by Joel Hirales Rochin | May 20, 2022 | Desarrollo Urbano
Abstract- Actually, geology has become a fundamental tool to determine areas of susceptibility, vulnerability and geological risk. The geological dynamics and the accelerated changes of the processes at the climatic level in the last decades have demonstrated the...
by Joel Hirales Rochin | May 17, 2022 | Desarrollo Urbano
Desde la antigüedad, las rocas naturales han sido utilizadas para mejorar la calidad de vida de las poblaciones, como materiales base para la construcción de obras de infraestructura en elementos estructurales (columnas, muros y cimientos), materiales de...
by Joel Hirales Rochin | Sep 3, 2021 | Desarrollo Urbano
Abstract- The research presents the multi-criteria analysis approach (MCA) to describe the effective use of geospatial techniques for the reduction of geohydrological risk and its relationship with urban territorial development at the local level, in the case of the...
by Joel Hirales Rochin | Nov 23, 2020 | Agua y medio ambiente, Desarrollo Urbano
Abstract- Geology as a tool to identify areas of geological risk is useful to determine the close relationship between the geological space and the sustainable urban development of a city. At the national, regional and local level where the study area is located,...
by Joel Hirales Rochin | Jul 19, 2020 | Desarrollo Urbano
Joel Hirales Rochin1 1Geologist Head of Research Projects and professor of the Area of Earth Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Technological Institute of La Paz, Boulevard Forjadores of Sudcalifornia. La Paz, Baja California Sur., Mexico....